Figueres, Christina and Rivett-Carnac, Tom; Manilla Press, 2020
For many of us, the call to arms in response to climate change is a no-brainer: “When the eyes of our children, and their children, look straight into ours, and they ask us, 'What did you do?' our answer cannot just be that we did everything we could.”
To arrive at the urge to respond at all presumes a journey of awareness and acceptance of the reality of climate change beforehand. The growing range of literature addresses various aspects relating to that journey, and draws upon the character and qualities of the writers. The authors of “The future we choose” come well accredited.
Figueres was the UN Executive Secretary for Climate Change 2010-2016, while Rivett-Carnac was a senior political strategist for the Paris agreement in 2015. With such extensive grounding in the field, they are well qualified to comment upon the length and breadth of aspects which are encountered upon the road to actionism. Their deliberate approach in this work is to define what they see as an effective route to become successful in planet care.
After briefly outlining two alternative futures, they show us that our future is our choice. From here the authors avoid excessive detail surrounding the science or mechanics of climate change, instead highlighting the attitudes, the mindsets, most likely to uphold the devoted environmentalist. Extensive notes and references are provided for those who want further background, but for the most part this book is for the devotee: he/she who has already chosen and is already well versed in the story.
Thankfully, the book then provides that which many newly-converted do seek: suggestions in answer to, “What can I do?” A range of 10 actions includes responses with which most of us are familiar in a general sense. Several other suggestions, however, I do find novel, yet valid. Each of the 10 ideas is discussed concisely, giving enough information to build the case, yet refraining from unnecessary detail of waffle.
This book is well readable, ideally suited to those who have arrived at a point of personal commitment to action, and now looking for ideas about a personal response. A listing of nearly 50 websites for relevant green and climate change organisations globally is a great resource.
Recommended for any church library.